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Suggestions For Improvement


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Hi,I've learned a lot through W3Schools, and appreciate it. You got me refined with HTML (I'm now doing "strict" pages) and taught me CSS from the ground-up. I'm now working towards learning PHP, and that has prompted me to write this post.One ongoing issue which I think could use improvement are the examples. For teaching a "newbie", I think that the example should be stripped down to the least possible amount of code, and all variable names and options should be as descriptive as possible (e.g., no abbreviations or shortcut methods). Here's an example from the PHP tutorial, on string concetation:<?php$txt1="Hello World";$txt2="1234";echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2;?>The output of the code above will be:Hello World 1234And here's how I would write it, by my "minimalist but fully descriptive" method:<?php$variable1="text string 1";$variable2="text string 2";echo $variable1.$variable2;?>The output of the code above will be:text string 1text string 2That's what I'm perceiving as the minimum necessary to explain the logical factors of the operator. If it's desirable to provide an example showing how spaces are added, then that could be shown in a second example. But for the very first time that a student is ever seeing the concept, it should focus in on the bare essentials, and be as descriptive as possible.I've often found that to be a problem with the W3Schools lessons, in that I have to spend extra time and effort to see past all of the superfluous instructions, to try to figure out the one new concept being taught in the section.Thanks,Don

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