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External Css


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If you have a stylesheet it will apply style elements to whichever ones you have specified within it. However, if, say you want certain <p>'s to be green, and other <p>'s to be blue, you need to use what are called classes in your stylesheet. For defining unique elements, you would want to use 'id'. Check out the CSS tutorials on w3schools for all the necessary info to get you going on CSS. if you wanted to only change the style of a div, then it would something like

CSS#link_container{	width: 800px;	margin: auto;	border-style: none;}and HTML<div id="link_container">	<ul>	<li><a href="index.php">HOME</a></li>	<li><a href="analog.php">ANALOG</a></li>	<li><a href="shows.php">SHOWS</a></li>	<li><a href="artists.php">ARTISTS</a></li>	<li><a href="pictures.php">PHOTOS</a></li>	<li><a href="studio.php">THE STUDIO</a></li>	</ul></div>

that's for my navigation.You can have multiple stylesheet's referenced too.

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