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Dynamic content question


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Hi guys. I'm new to web design and as a starting project I'm trying to build a website for my mates band. The theme is based around a Marshal guitar amp, with the navigation controls being on the amp head, and the content showing up in the cabinet. Clicking on one of the contols on the amp head will take you to a different section of the site.In the lyrics section I would like to have a list of the available song lyrics at the left hand side, which when clicked on would show up in the space to the right. I have currently got two div elements set up that are layed out as shown in this example.How would you recommend going about doing this? I have so far been sticking to XHTML 1.0 strict, and as far as I'm aware the iframe element is not valid for this? I also toyed witht he idea of using visibilty to show only the content that is required... I'm also learning JavaScript so could that be used at all? I need the practice! :)Let me know if you need to see any code or anything...Thanks in advance!Henry

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I'm definitely not an expert, but I suppose you could but in a <div> with the content, and use style to make its positioning absolute (CSS Tutorial). Then set it in the cabinet using top and left styles (CSS Tutorial). Then create an image map with links on each of the controls. Using DOM you can change the content of the <div> clicking on each of the songs.Sorry, but making the code would take too long.Hope I helped!-Newbman :)

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Cheers for the reply! Sorry I should have said, I already have the controls changing the content using an image map. Thanks though! It's just the lyrics thing I'm having trouble getting... It's ok you didnt put any code thats cool! But could you elaborate slightly on how I would use the DOM to change the content of the DIV? Sorry if thats a bit of a lame question...Cheers!

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A simple solution would be to have a different html page for each set of lyrics. It's a bit long winded but the easiest to understand and implement. Otherwise you are getting into complicated javascript and DOM which would take you a while to learn and to get to grips with.

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In addition to DarkElf's post I must say that if you place all of your lyrics on one page, you practically force the user to download them all before he/she is able to see anything. If you aren't "fighting" for maximum accesability and standart compilance, you could use frames with removed borders(so it doesn't get ugly). One for the menu, and one for the main content. Perhaps a third for the header.

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I would recommend creating seperate pages as well. Aside from the points already mentioned, I have to mention that Search Engines have a hard time following javascripted links. So, if having teh site show up in search engines is part of any goal for the site, then good ole fashion HTML anchor tags are the way to go.

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