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960.gs Help With My Design


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Hi, I've been developing a website at http://driz.co.uk/ and it uses a fixed width of 960px. However I'm having loads of problems getting content to flow properly, and have decided that mebbe using a grid system would be the best approach due to it allowing you to position content literally anywhere within the grid.Here is the problem:The design has 4 main section blocks, a header, middle, bottom, and the footer, all of which are 100% in width with 960px wrappers inside of them!Within these blocks, the individual blocks of content have their own background, they do not margin from each other, instead sit next to each other and have padding!Does anybody have experience using this grid system who could help me work out these issues. Basically get the current design into the 960 grid system.THANKS

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After having a think about this, I have come up with a way around the main blocks. Basically just create the same header, middled, etc. and then stick the container inside.But the problem remains of how to have the blocks of content in the same as i have in the current design, the margin gutters would make this awkward, but are essential for the grid system to work.

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