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I know how to write a submited text into a .txt file with fwrite(), but my problem is that when a user inputes their name and the PHP writes it into the file, ir erases the old name.Here's my script:

				$FNN = fopen("NameLog.txt", "r");				$read = fread($FNN, 1024);				fclose($FNN); 				$FNN = fopen("NameLog.txt", "w"); 				fwrite($FNN, $name); 				fclose($FNN);

All I need to do is have this happen without erasing the previous name.

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Append to the file instead of writing to it. To do so, use "a" or "a+" as the fopen mode (as opposed to "w").Also (and this is not a must, it's just what I'd do), consider using file_put_contents() if possible, like so:

file_put_contents('NameLog.txt', $name, FILE_APPEND);

Alternatively, read in the whole file first, write it out into the new file, and only then write the new contents.

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