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Strange Error With Filemtime()


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Hi everybody,I have a problem with the filemtime() function on my website, I use it to display a "last modified on dd.mm.yyyy" string in the footer of every page.The code I use is the following and it works for every page except for one:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/main_template.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --><title>Round the World</title><!-- InstanceEndEditable --><link href="../resources/style4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></head><body><center><div id="header">	<div class="name">name</div>    <ul id="menu">  		<li><a href="../home.php">HOME</a></li>		<li><a href="../software.php">SOFTWARE</a>			<ul class="menu_list">      			<li><a href="../software/eth_sms.php">ETH SMS</a></li>            	<li><a href="../software/red_theme.php">RED THEME</a></li>                <li><a href="../software/xudoku.php">XUDOKU</a></li>      		</ul>  		</li>    	<li><a href="../gallery.php">GALLERY</a>    		<ul class="menu_list">        		<li><a href="world_gallery.php">WORLD</a></li>        	</ul>    	</li>    	<li><a href="../cv.php">CURRICULUM</a></li>  		<li class="contact"><a href="../contact_form.php">CONTACT</a></li>	</ul></div><div class="page"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="title" -->  		<div class="title">ROUND THE WORLD</div>  	<!-- InstanceEndEditable --> 	<table width="100%" style="border:none">    	<tr>        	<td valign="top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="body" --><center>	<table class="gallery"><?php	$pict = $_GET['pict'];		if(!$pict) {		//visualize entire gallery				$dir = chdir("world_images");		$pictures = glob("*.jpg");				$rows = ceil(count($pictures)/3);				//shuffle($pictures);		sort($pictures, SORT_NUMERIC);				for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {			?>            	<tr>            <?php			for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {			?>                	<td>                		<?php					if (current($pictures)) {					       echo("<a href='world_gallery.php?pict=" . current($pictures) . "'><img class='image' border='0' alt='' src='world_thumbnails/" . current($pictures) . "' /></a>");					       $a = next($pictures);					}				?>			</td>                            	<?php			}			?>            	</tr>            <?php		}			}	else {		//visualize given picture		?>		<tr>        	<td>                <img class="image2" alt="" src="world_images/<?php                  	echo $pict;               	?>" />            </td>		</tr>		<?php	}?>	</table>    </center><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->			</td>            <td valign="top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="index" --><?php	if (!$pict) {		?>        	<div class="index">            	<p class="title">description</p>                <p class="text">This is a selection of some of the pictures I took during my trips around the world. Please enjoy.</p>                <a class="h1" href="../gallery.php">back to index</a>            </div>        <?php    }	else {		$dir = chdir("world_images");		$pictures = glob("*.jpg");				$tot = count($pictures);				sort($pictures, SORT_NUMERIC);		//find prev and next		$key = array_search($pict,$pictures);				$prev2 = ($key + $tot - 2) % $tot;		$prev1 = ($key + $tot - 1) % $tot;		$next1 = ($key + 1) % $tot;		$next2 = ($key + 2) % $tot;				?>        	<div class="index">            	<p class="title">navigation</p>                <a class="h1" href="world_gallery.php">↑ back to gallery</a>                <br />                <br />                <a href='world_gallery.php?pict=<?php 				echo $pictures[$prev2] . "'>" . "<img class='thumb0' src='world_thumbnails/" . $pictures[$prev2] . "' alt='" . $pictures[$prev2] . "' />"; 				?></a>                <br />                <a href='world_gallery.php?pict=<?php 				echo $pictures[$prev1] . "'>" . "<img class='thumb1' src='world_thumbnails/" . $pictures[$prev1] . "' alt='" . $pictures[$prev1] . "' />"; 				?></a>                <br />                <a href='world_gallery.php?pict=<?php 				echo $pictures[$key] . "'>" . "<img class='thumb2' src='world_thumbnails/" . $pictures[$key] . "' alt='" . $pictures[$key] . "' />"; 				?></a>                <br />                <a href='world_gallery.php?pict=<?php 				echo $pictures[$next1] . "'>" . "<img class='thumb1' src='world_thumbnails/" . $pictures[$next1] . "' alt='" . $pictures[$next1] . "' />"; 				?></a>                <br />                <a href='world_gallery.php?pict=<?php 				echo $pictures[$next2] . "'>" . "<img class='thumb0' src='world_thumbnails/" . $pictures[$next2] . "' alt='" . $pictures[$next2] . "' />"; 				?></a>            </div>        <?php	}?><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->            </td>      	</tr>   	</table><br /><div class="footer">© 2009 - designed by <a class="footer" href="../contact_form.php">my name</a> - <?php	$file = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);   	echo "page last modified on " . date("d.m.Y",filemtime($file));?></div></div></center></body><!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

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