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Slow Sql


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I have a slow ajax, it is performing a simple select with a LIKE statement, but it is taking up to 9 seconds to finish, which is quite slow, my table has over 16000 rows is this the problem and if so what should I do to get around the problem?The actual table is 1.5Mb in size and has 8 fields, int(10),smallint(2), and 6 varchar(50)

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Look into adding fulltext indexes on any fields that you are using LIKE with, and for other fields that you are using in the WHERE clause create regular indexes. Indexes speed up searching but slightly slow down inserting, updating, and deleting.

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Put them in a loop and time it. Have a loop that runs a certain piece of code several hundred thousand times, and time how long it takes the loop to finish, then divide by the number of times the loop ran to get the average time for each iteration. Most languages have various ways to keep track of time.

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I was using Inodb to keep everything tied together, and i didn't need to time the query, it literally took up to 10 seconds to produce a result and now it does it in less the half a second

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Oh well in Innodb I couldn't add a fullindex to any fields, the only reason the mysql gave me was it can't add fulltexxt index to inodb, so i switched back to MyISAM

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