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Table Properties


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I wrote the following table which I used to skin my message board Forum

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#7985ac">   <tr><td colspan="3"><img border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/header.jpg" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#3a5172"><img  border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/topleft.jpg" /></td><td rowspan="2" id="forum" align="center" valign="top" width="720px" bgcolor= "#7985ac"></td><td valign="top" align="left" bgcolor= "#3a5172"><img border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/topright.jpg" /></td></tr><tr><td height="70px" valign="bottom" align="right"  bgcolor= "#3a5172"><img border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/bottomleft.jpg"/></td><td height="70px" valign="bottom" align="left" bgcolor= "#3a5172"><img border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/bottomright.jpg"/></td></tr><tr><td colspan = "3" valign="top" bgcolor= "#3a5172"><img border=0 src="http://free.managefootball.com/imagehosting/image/docdaneeka/footer.jpg"/></td></tr></table>

As far as I can see (I've not coded in about two years) everything should work fine, indeed it does work fine when viewed with firefox. However, when viewed in IE the graphics do not connect cleanly towards the bottom of the board.Can someone see why this is?If I add the following code into my CSS

<style type="text/css">img {display:block;}</style>

it fixes the graphic problem, but interferes with the layout of the forum.Any help would be appreciated.Thank you,Doc

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Sorry... I thought everyone already knew why... lolanyway... DocDaneeka... do you think you could give us a link to a page that is actually accessible?I'm not going to go through and create my own images to be place fillers just so I can see what is wrong - mostly because I'm not that good with images...I would like to say I could just read through your page and find what's wrong, but with the table thing and all these attributes set on individual elements instead of a stylesheet, it is actually kindof hard for me...I will keep trying your site though...

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tables... yuk!!!

lol, I can say the same about divs w/css as a replacement for tables. Too many problems doing it that way, until the day I can do CSS with my eyes closed, I'm going to stick with tables. :)
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lol, I can say the same about divs w/css as a replacement for tables. Too many problems doing it that way, until the day I can do CSS with my eyes closed, I'm going to stick with tables. :)

It is gett5ing easier for me but I can do tables with my eyes closed in about 5 minutes while I usually spend 30 minutes to ascheive the same thing with divs...although in the end I am happier and it isi easier to maintain later. :)Keep plugging away...it gets better.
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It is gett5ing easier for me but I can do tables with my eyes closed in about 5 minutes while I usually spend 30 minutes to ascheive the same thing with divs...although in the end I am happier and it isi easier to maintain later. :)Keep plugging away...it gets better.

That's ture, however it's too time consuming. tables are much easier, call me lazy, but I will save my self some trouble :)
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