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Keeping Track Of Clicks Within A Database


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For my site I have a form where visitors enter comments and each comment is listed below the form inside a table. I want to put something like a voting system with 2 or 3 links for each comment. Meaning each comment is kept in a database, and I need to keep track of how many times each link has been clicked for that specific comment. I think I'm having trouble understanding how each comment can keep track of it. My code for index.php would be something like..while($row = mysql_fetch_array($req)){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['name'] . "<br />" . $row['location'] . "<br />" . $row['moment'] . "</td>" ; echo <a href="somepage.php">Vote1</a>; echo <a href="somepage.php">Vote2</a>; echo "</tr>"; }echo "</table>";I hope I'm not confusing you with what I'm trying to say but I don't see how its suppose to know which comment its suppose to add the vote to...

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If the number of options for all comments is the same, then add a field in your comments table for each option, and keep the totals there. If comments can have different numbers of options, then you need a separate table to hold the options and totals. You can have a comment ID field that matches it to a particular comment.

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