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How To Set Up A Sql Report That Uses A Unique Date Code System


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I have a SQL query that requires a change/edit to the code so that the SQL Report displays the correct date displays (i.e. the correct 'month' and 'year'. ) The way the query is written, there is a 'letter designator' for the 'month' and a 'number' to represent the 'year'. See code below:

(invnt.unit_id LIKE 'TX1%9K%')

In the example, 9K=the '9' represents the year '2009', and the 'K' represents the month of 'October' based on the rotating monthly alpha code:*2009A=JanuaryB=FebruaryC=MarchD=AprilE=MayF=JuneG=JulyH=August(no I)J=SeptemberK=OctoberL=NovemberM=December----The letters run on a one letter per month - 2 yr cycle (excluding the letters, I, and O.)*2010(no O)N=JanuaryP=FebruaryQ=MarchR=AprilS=MayT=JuneU=JulyV=AugustW=SeptemberX=OctoberY=NovemberZ=December---------*2011A=JanuaryB=FebruaryC=MarchD=AprilE=MayF=JuneG=JulyH=August(no I)J=SeptemberK=OctoberL=NovemberM=DecemberThe rotating monthly alpha calendar setup is a permanent fixture and cannot be altered or deleted, so I have to find a way to work with it, but I need some guidance/help with how to work with it. If anyone knows of a way to or can show me how to code this report up so that the user viewing the report can select the month/year from a date calendar without me having to go in the SQL query and manually changing the year and letter designator for the month, I'd greatly appreciate it alot.Thanks in advance!

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I'm not sure what you mean, if the user wants to see different data you're always going to need to change the query. I assume you would have some software interacting with the database which would get their entries and build the query.

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