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Get Autoincrement Id By Insert Command


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My question is like this....my table is like..thisid(auto increment),msg(text),timestamp(number)if an sql insert command is executed...$insert=odbc_exec($connection,"INSERT INTO Data (msg,timestamp) VALUES ('Hi every one',12145478)after executing this command...can i get the id with this...$resultid=odbc_result($insert,"id");will i get the id of the previous record i have just inserted with this method...thanks...waiting for reply...

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I know it has a large population, but not everyone here lives in India, or even in the same hemisphere.
$insert=odbc_exec($connection,"INSERT INTO Data (msg,timestamp) VALUES ('Hi every one',12145478)after executing this command...can i get the id with this...$resultid=odbc_result($insert,"id");
That depends, what type of value does odbc_exec return? What type of parameter does odbc_result accept? Have you checked the PHP manual for either of those functions?If odbc_exec returns a result with the new row for an insert query, then yeah that will work. If odbc_exec doesn't return the new row, then that won't work. You should be able to do some testing to figure out what it returns.
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<?php$con=odbc_connect('Access','','');$sql="INSERT INTO test (msg,ts) VALUES ('Hello world',".time().")";echo $sql;$insert=odbc_exec($con,$sql);echo "get what inserted----";echo odbc_result($insert,"id");?>i tried this but i got an error...No tuples available at this result index in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test.php on line 7odbc_exec return result resource...only for Select and related commands...

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odbc_exec return result resource...only for Select and related commands...
Then it sounds like it's not going to return a result resource, so you wouldn't be able to use the return value with odbc_result. Check the documentation for your database to see if you can send a specific query to get the last inserted ID.
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