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[Solved] Breadcrumb script


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I recently found a nice script to create the breadcrumbs for a website. I put it on and changed it a tad (to add styling divs) and after a little toying with, worked great. Right now i'm trying to get rid of displays if the filename is index (right now if i'm on the home page i get Home > (document title)and i tried to get rid of the document title part, only if it was an index.php fileCode that works (without trying to remove the index file's title:

function breadcrumbs(){  sURL = new String;  bits = new Object;  var x = 0;  var stop = 0;  var output = "<div class='crumb'> <a class='crumb' href=\"/\">Home</a>  >  ";  sURL = location.href;  sURL = sURL.slice(8,sURL.length);  chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/");  sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length)  while(!stop){    chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/");    if (chunkStart != -1){      bits[x] = sURL.slice(0,chunkStart)      sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length);    }else{      stop = 1;    }    x++;  }  for(var i in bits){    output += "<a class='crumb' href=\"";    for(y=1;y<x-i;y++){      output += "../";    }    output += bits[i] + "/\">" + bits[i] + "</a>  > ";  }  document.write(output + document.title + "</div>");}

Code that didn't work

function breadcrumbs(){  sURL = new String;  bits = new Object;  var x = 0;  var stop = 0;  var output = "<div class='crumb'> <a class='crumb' href=\"/\">Home</a>  >  ";  sURL = location.href;  sURL = sURL.slice(8,sURL.length);  chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/");  sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length)  var filename = url.substring(url.lastindexOf("\\")+1,url.lastindexOf("\.");  while(!stop){    chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/");    if (chunkStart != -1){      bits[x] = sURL.slice(0,chunkStart)      sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length);    }else{      stop = 1;    }    x++;  }  for(var i in bits){    output += "<a class='crumb' href=\"";    for(y=1;y<x-i;y++){      output += "../";    }    output += bits[i] + "/\">" + bits[i] + "</a>  > ";  }if(filename == "index"){  document.write(output + "</div>");}else{  document.write(output + document.title + "</div>");}}

oh, and i found the url.substring(url.lastindexOf("\\")+1,url.lastindexOf("\."); from somewhere where they were trying to get the file name of the documentIs there something i'm doing wrong here?thanks,

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Ok, thanksafter some fiddling I got it where I wanted, but it turns out it won't work for what I wanted, (the way I set up my links, I link to the folder, so detecting the url doesn't give the actual index.php for that folder)but thanks, if I ever need this for anything else, i'll have something working to base it off of

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Okay, I decided to go back and just put a check in for all of my possible folders and now nothing comes up like thatas in Folder > (index.php's title)all of them just come up Folder >pretty much just a status report really

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