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Select multiple in for loop how to work with array?


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This is (part of) my form:

 <?php for ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++)	{ ?>	<tr>		<td>		<?php echo $calculatie[$i]; ?>			<?php if($error_aantal[$i] == "ja"){ $error_omschr = $error_omschr_aantal[$i]; include('includes/input_error.php'); } ?> <textarea rows="7" cols="80" name="omschrijving[]" /><?php echo $omschrijving[$i]; ?></textarea>		</td>		<td>			<select multiple="multiple" width="50" size="7" name="calculatie[]" style="width: 150px">			<?php		 		$sql_calc = "select id, naam from calculatie WHERE offerte_id = '".$row['off_offerte']."' ORDER BY id ASC";		   	 	$res_calc = mysql_query($sql_calc,$con);  				  while ($row_calc = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_calc)){		 	?>		 		<option value="<?php echo $row_calc["id"] ?>"><?php if (empty($row_calc["naam"])) { echo $row_calc["id"]; } else { echo $row_calc["naam"]; } ?></option>			<?php } ?></select>		</td>	</tr>	<?php } ?>

I have been trying with the array without succes. How to use it? Please help. With the code below it doesn't work.

<?phpfor ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++)	{	$omschrijving[$i] = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['omschrijving'][$i]));	foreach(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['calculatie'][$i]) AS $calculatie_id[$i]);	}?>

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You can just loop through that array normally. This syntax doesn't make sense:foreach(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['calculatie'][$i]) AS $calculatie_id[$i])because mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['calculatie'][$i]) is not an array, it's a string (mysql_real_escape_string returns a string).

$calculatie = $_POST['calculatie'];if (is_array($calculatie) && count($calculatie) > 0){  foreach ($calculatie as $val)  {	echo 'selected ' . $val . '<br>';  }}else{  echo 'no options selected';}

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If you're printing 5 sets of fields which need to relate to each other, and the select list needs to have a different array for each set of fields, then you need to set it up so that the select list is a multidimensional array, like this:name="calculatie[<?php echo $i; ?>][]"After that, $calculatie[0] will be an array of the choices for the first set, $calculatie[1] will be an array of the choices for the second set, etc.

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Thank you so far, to avoid any problems I have split my code up into 3 querys:

<?php$sql = "INSERT INTO offerte_order_bev		(			offerte_id,			naam,			actief,			soort,			door_gemaakt,			datum_gemaakt,			opmerkingen		)		VALUES		(			'".$offerte_id."',			'".$naam."',			'ja',			'".$soort."',			'".$door_gemaakt."',			NOW(),			'".$opmerkingen."'		)";$id_offerte_order_bev = mysql_insert_id();?>

<?phpfor ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++){  if (!empty($omschrijving[$i]))  {	// voer query uit	  $sql_inh_omsch = "INSERT INTO sp_offerte_order_bev_omschr						(							offerte_order_bev_id,							omschrijving						)						VALUES						(							'".$id_offerte_order_bev."',							'".$omschrijving[$i]."'						)";?>

<?phpfor ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++){  if (!empty($omschrijving[$i]))  {	$calculatie_id[$i] = array();	foreach ($calculatie_id[$i] AS $val)	{	  // voer query uit	  $sql_inh_omsch = "INSERT INTO sp_offerte_order_bev_calc						(							offerte_order_bev_id,							calculatie_id						)						VALUES						(							'".$id_offerte_order_bev."',							'".$val."'						)";	}?>

The last query is not working.

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If I remove the code $calculatie_id[$i] = array(); then this error appears:Invalid argument supplied for foreach()When I use name="calculatie_id[<?php echo $i; ?>][]" then one more error appears:Cannot use a scalar value as an array

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