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Simple email subscription options?


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My girlfriend would like to have a mailing list, and on her site she would like to have a page where people can subscribe to it.Is there a way where I can have something really simple, where people leave their name, email and click submit? All I want that form to do is to send an automatic email to ourmailinglist@ourwebsite.com, so we can add it manually.I tried using a standard email form, but when you click submit it always takes you to your own email client and makes you send the message manually.. is there a way to hide this final step so the message is sent automatically when someone clicks on submit?Thanks for any help!

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that's just how HTML email works, no way around it. You can't "hide" that final step, because that is the only step it provides for sending email, or else nothing will get sent. A really easy way to do this is to just use PHP and its mail(). You should be able to Google or search on this forum, as it has been asked here numerous times. They can be fairly simple and straightforward, with a combination of a little HTML/CSS work to make them look presentable. Unless you don't have PHP on your host... (which I think would be fairly rare these days)

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