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[solved]What am I doing wrong?


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Hi all,I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong here. This is something I've done a number of times before, but for some reason the "signature" that's getting inserted into the db is not getting escaped. If I echo it out, it is escaped, but not in the database.Here's the code:

if(isset($_GET['signature'])){	$signature = $_GET['signature'];	if($signature != ''){			$id 	= $_GET['id'];		$ip		= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];		$date 	= date('m-d-Y H:i:s');		$date2 	= date('Y-m-d H:i:s');				// Stripslashes		if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){			$signature = stripslashes($signature);		}		$signature = mysql_real_escape_string($signature);		//echo "<p>Signed: " . $signature ."</p>";		// Insert Signature into DB		$sql_add_sig = "INSERT INTO `build_list_signature` (`userid`, `signed`, `date`) VALUES ('$id','$signature','$date2')";		mysql_query($sql_add_sig);			// Send email for records		$sql_get_user = "SELECT * FROM `jos_users` WHERE `id` = '$id'";		$data = mysql_query($sql_get_user);		while($results = mysql_fetch_array($data)){			$name = $results['name'];			$email = $results['email'];		}		$msg = $name."\n".$email."\n\nI acknowledge and understand I can not hold ### responsible in any way for the work the builder I hire does.\n\n";		$msg .= "Signed: ".$signature."\n".$date."\n\nIP: ".$ip;		$subj = $name . '\'s Builder List Signature';		if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){			$subj = stripslashes($subj);			$msg = stripslashes($msg);		}		mail('###@###.com', $subj, $msg);				// Return Success		echo '1';	} else {		echo "<p style=\"color:#ff0000;\">You must sign.</p>";	}} else {	echo "<p style=\"color:#ff0000;\">You must sign.</p>";}

Thanks for your help!

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