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unordered list vs definition list

Brendon Branigin

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I've been reading alistapart alot lately and I've noticed that the authors generaly use definition lists <dd> as opposed to the more common unordered list <ul>. Im curious to what the benefits are of using <dd> over <ul> . My main interest is in whether i should be using <dd> for my css styled navigation systems as opposed to my current method of using <ul>s'

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The only reason I would use a definition list is for well definition list! So for my navigation I use unordered lists, I'm used to them and it's easy to work with. Never did any navigation with a definition list. I don't think you can have bullets with a definition list the easy way but still doable.my recommendation: ul are for navs and dl are for definitions.

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I would generally use definition lists when I have a group of something and I want to declare it. Example:

<dl><dt>Validators:</dt><dd><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">valid HTML</a></dd><dd><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">valid CSS</a><dd><dl>

With a bit of styling, you could make the dt appear... let's say on the left, and the links right next to it (floated) and it's structually better then an ul.But for navigation it's definatly better to use ul, scince nested lists (submenus) would structually and visually (without CSS) be better.I know we haven't mentioned anything about "ol"s yet, but just to avoid later asking, they are not good, because you can't know the order in which a user should look at your site. Or should I say it's not wise to do so.

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