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PHP website type.s


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what kinds of websites can PHP be useful in?like im just barley scratching the surface with php because im not quite sure what to use php for. im making websites with html and css with small random snippets of php. what kind of websites will i be able to learn to make with php.is there anything else i can do other then user driven sites like facebook?please help.

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Sometimes the most difficult part of the project is deciding what to do, however, I think PHP can be used for most if not all web-based applications.
like im making this website :http://attilahajzer.comeze.com/sites/Blue_stripes/the name will definatly change. and so will the links.for PHP i am using and include function for the pages.if i keep the links the same for pics i would want to have them be able to upload their own.vids will change but what can I do? i want to be able to make a good website where i can use a lot of PHP. maybe have a guestbook. or you know something with PHP. i am even willing to drastically change the website layout!
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why do you mean by the pics being able to upload their own?You should figure out exactly what you want to do, and then it will be easier to figure out what the best approach is. PHP in conjunction with MySQL, allows you to retrieve stored content on a server in a database, present that information in a meaningful way, and allow webpages to update and change dynamically while only having to change the content within the DB, and not having to change the pages markup all the time.

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why do you mean by the pics being able to upload their own?You should figure out exactly what you want to do, and then it will be easier to figure out what the best approach is. PHP in conjunction with MySQL, allows you to retrieve stored content on a server in a database, present that information in a meaningful way, and allow webpages to update and change dynamically while only having to change the content within the DB, and not having to change the pages markup all the time.
i never knew you could do that.
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