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how do i use a for loop to make the movie clips invislible in the array .


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I have instant named btn on stage. I have a movie clip named glove and movieclip named box. I am trying to make the moviclips transparent. how do i use a for loop to make the movie clips invislible in the array . var targets = new Array(glove,box); for (var i:Number = 0; i<targets.length; i++) { trace(targets); // this returns as _level.glove , _level0.box btn.onPress = function(){ this.targets._alpha =0;// comes up as undefined // this is were im going wrong trace(targets); }}

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A little bit late, but maybe for some one else with the same issue.You used the ._alpha property. This is no longer supported in as3.0, use .alpha without the _ sign instead.

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