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having some trouble with date adding


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hi there,the date add function i use, is as follows:

function dateadd($interval,$date = "") { 	if ($date == "") {		$now = getdate(strtotime(convert_tz(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()),"SAST")));	} else {		$now = getdate(strtotime(convert_tz($date,"SAST")));	}	return date("Y-m-d H:i:s",mktime(23,59,59,$now["mon"],$now["mday"] + $interval,$now["year"]));}

convert_tz converts the US Central timezone (where the site is hosted) to South African standard time (where the site is used) - no problem, using a timezone class i downloaded from phpclasses.org.the function which calculates the values to add to the survey queue, which is processed by a cronjob - is as follows:

function createtriggers($leadid) {	// loop through survey types and create triggers	$sql0 = "SELECT * FROM 20_surveytypes WHERE bigint_ServiceID = ".$GLOBALS["service"]." AND tinyint_OffsetFrom < 2 ORDER BY bigint_SurveyID ASC;";	$result0 = mysql_query_errors($sql0, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 25_serviceleads WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid.";";	$result1 = mysql_query_errors($sql1, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	if ($result0 && $result1) {		if ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {			while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_array($result0)) {				$osf = $row0["tinyint_OffsetFrom"];				switch ($osf) {					case 1:						$ofs = $row1["timestamp_ExpectedBy"];						break;					default:						$ofs = $row1["timestamp_LeadCreated"];				}				$tss = dateadd($row0["tinyint_SurveyDaysOffset"],$ofs);				$sql2 = "INSERT INTO 26_surveyqueue (bigint_SurveyID, bigint_LeadID, timestamp_SurveyTrigger) VALUES (".$row0["bigint_SurveyID"].",".$leadid.",\"".$tss."\");";				$result2 = mysql_query_errors($sql2, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , true );			}			mysql_free_result($result0);		}		mysql_free_result($result1);	}}

however, it seems not to be getting $osf (the offset from (time)stamp field)'s value as the digit 1 for the survey type in the table for these - as it's getting the default case for this value. what could be the matter? $ofs is the offset from timestamp. the tinyint_OffsetFrom field has a value for this survey type, 1 - with tinyint_SurveyDaysOffset being -17 for this record.

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ahh it seems it got messed up by trying to convert a south african standard time to south african standard time.i modified the createtriggers and dateadd functions to work as follows:

function dateadd($interval,$date = "", $ctz = true) { 	if ($date == "") {		if ($ctz) {			$now = getdate(strtotime(convert_tz(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()),"SAST")));		} else {			$now = getdate(strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())));		}	} else {		if ($ctz) {			$now = getdate(strtotime(convert_tz($date,"SAST")));		} else {			$now = getdate(strtotime($date));		}	}	return date("Y-m-d H:i:s",mktime(23,59,59,$now["mon"],$now["mday"] + $interval,$now["year"]));}function createtriggers($leadid) {	// loop through survey types and create triggers	$sql0 = "SELECT * FROM 20_surveytypes WHERE bigint_ServiceID = ".$GLOBALS["service"]." AND tinyint_OffsetFrom < 2 ORDER BY bigint_SurveyID ASC;";	$result0 = mysql_query_errors($sql0, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 25_serviceleads WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid.";";	$result1 = mysql_query_errors($sql1, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );	if ($result0 && $result1) {		if ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {			while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_array($result0)) {				$osf = $row0["tinyint_OffsetFrom"];				switch (intval($osf)) {					case 1:						$ofs = $row1["timestamp_ExpectedBy"];						break;					default:						$ofs = $row1["timestamp_LeadCreated"];				}				$tss = dateadd($row0["tinyint_SurveyDaysOffset"],$ofs,false);				$sql2 = "INSERT INTO 26_surveyqueue (bigint_SurveyID, bigint_LeadID, timestamp_SurveyTrigger) VALUES (".$row0["bigint_SurveyID"].",".$leadid.",\"".$tss."\");";				$result2 = mysql_query_errors($sql2, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , true );			}			mysql_free_result($result0);		}		mysql_free_result($result1);	}}

from this code, it is seen that it is not needed to apply the timezone conversion to the dates. this issue has now been resolved! :)

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