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Insert vertical line above a letter


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I have to have some characters with a horizontal line below and to have a vertical line (or two vertical lines) above a character to indicate pronounciation. The web page is for a choir. I have no issues wrapping up a letter with <u></ul> to have a horizontal line below, but am totally lost as in how I get one or two vertical lines above a letter... Does anyone have experience with this?Son

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My immediate thought would be to use <span> tags to add the lines using borders. A single span would suffice for a single line, two nested spans for the double line. You could also use text-decoration:overline to create a single line. Here's the School's page on text decoration: http://www.w3schools.com/Css/pr_text_text-decoration.asp
Lastlifelost,Thanks for your input. But what I need is really a vertical line as opposed to a horizontal line... Do you know any other way to creating bg images?Son
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The simplest way is probably going to be using background images. You can download GIMP for free to create those images.The span idea might work, but it's going to create a lot of extra markup and may not look quite right across all browsers. To use the span idea you'll have to have a relatively positioned container with the span and text. The span would have to be absolutely positioned and have a left and/or right border (depending on whether you need one line or two). This is a convoluted solution and I don't recommend it.

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