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I have written some basic PHP code so I can learn things... BUt, when I write it it doesnt work. I was just messing around making a tire application but it wont show up. Here is the code:First page:

<body><center><h3>Joes Tire Shop</h3></center>Welcome to Joes Tire Shop! We sell the best of tires just for you!<br>Just fill out the following for to buy some tires from us!.<br><form action="second tire form page.php" method="POST">Name:<input type="text" maxlength="20" name="name"><br><fieldset><legend>Adress Information:</legend>City:<input type="text" name="City"> State:<input type="text" maxlength="2" name="State"><br>Zip Code:<input type="text" maxlength="5" name="Zipcode"> Adress:<input type="text" name="Adress"></fieldset>Amount of tires:<input type="text" maxlength="3" name="tireamt"><br><input type="submit" value="submit"></form></body>

Second Page

<body><?phpecho "Thank you for ordering tires $_POST["name"]!;echo "You ordered: $_POST["tireamt"];echo "Your adress is: $_POST["city"], $_POST["state"], $_POST["adress"],  $_POST["zipcode"];?>

If the coding isnt the problem, Do I need to save it in a certain folder for it to work?

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That's probably because echo doesnt display text and variables at the same time, you should try it like:

echo "Thank you for ordering tires" . $_POST['name'] . '! <br />';echo "You ordered:" . $_POST['tireamt'] . "<br />";echo "Your adress is:" . $_POST['city'] . "<br />" .  $_POST['state'] . "<br />" .  $_POST['adress'] . "<br />"  . $_POST['zipcode'];

The <br /> tags are there to sanitize it a bit

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