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Guest pipikins

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Guest pipikins

hi there, i am a uni student, can someone tell where i am goin wrong with the following code, when looked at in IE, only the "Age" part looks right and the rest well doesnt. i would b greatfull of any help given here. is it cus i put in a table?????

<html><body><script type="text/javascript">function setStyle(x){document.getElementById(x).style.background="yellow"}function setNoStyle(x){document.getElementById(x).style.background="pink"}</script><h2><table border="0" width="57%" id="table1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>Title:</h2></td>  <td width="46%" colspan="3" height="15%"style="float: right"> <SELECT name=title1> <OPTION value=Mr selected>Mr<OPTION  value=Mrs>Mrs<OPTION  value=Miss>Miss<OPTION  value=Dr>Dr<OPTION  value=Others>Others<OPTION</OPTION> </SELECT></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>First name:</h2></td>  <td colspan="3" width="46%" height="15%" style="float: right">   <input type="text" onfocus="setStyle(this.id)" id="fname" onblur="setNoStyle(this.id)" name="T1" size="20" ></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>Last name:</h2></td>  <td colspan="3" width="46%" height="15%" style="float: right">   <input type="text" onfocus="setStyle(this.id)" id="fname" onblur="setNoStyle(this.id)" name="T3" size="20" ></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>House Number/Name: </h2></td>  <td colspan="3" width="46%" height="15%" style="float: right">   <input type="text" onfocus="setStyle(this.id)" id="lname" onblur="setNoStyle(this.id)" name="T4" size="20" ></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>Post Code:</h2></td>  <td colspan="3" width="46%" height="15%" style="float: right">   <input type="text" onfocus="setStyle(this.id)" id="hname" onblur="setNoStyle(this.id)" name="T5" size="20" ></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="5%" style="float: right">  <h2>E-mail:</h2></td>  <td width="26%" height="5%" style="float: right">   <input type="text" onfocus="setStyle(this.id)" id="ename" onblur="setNoStyle(this.id)" name="T2" size="20" ></td>  <td width="5%" height="5%">  <p align="center"><h2>@</h2></td>  <td width="30%" height="5%"><SELECT name=title> <OPTION value=hotamil.com selected>hotmail.com<OPTION  value=yahoo.co.uk>yahoo.co.uk<OPTION  value=gmail.co.uk>gmial.co.uk<OPTION  value=hotmail.co.uk>hotmail.co.uk<OPTION  value=Others>Others<OPTION</OPTION> </SELECT></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td align="right" width="47%" height="15%" style="float: right"><h2>Age:</h2></td>  <td width="46%" colspan="3" height="15%" style="float: right">  <form><script type="text/javascript">var today=new Date();var c=today.getYear();document.writeln("<select name=year_birth>");for(i=c- 16;i>=c- 106;i--)document.writeln("<option value="+i+">"+i)</script></select></form></td>	</tr>	</table></h2><br /><br /><input type="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset" value="Clear"></form></body></html>

Edited by Jonas
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It looked fine to me, everything is in a 2 column layout.You do need to close your options thoough </option>and i would put the javascript function in the <head> of the page.How are you seeing the page? What do you want it to look like?

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