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(javascript for facebook): Help me with problem, got finished almost. After clicking link becomes visible!


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It looks like there's an error in how the element is being referenced, doing it at a different time isn't going to have any effect. Facebook is renaming some things, which is why it may be helpful to see the HTML source code for the page.

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It looks like there's an error in how the element is being referenced, doing it at a different time isn't going to have any effect. Facebook is renaming some things, which is why it may be helpful to see the HTML source code for the page.
You want me to give you "source page" that long code of page of my fanpage on facebook?Btw i said that to make after 3 seconds of click on share link is visible, cuz every day new pages like that system comes newThis is pagesource of my fanpage (facebook) click to download
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I'm not sure what you're asking me to do, but if you want to run code after a certain time you can use the setTimeout function. Write a Javascript function to do whatever you want, and you can use setTimeout to run it after a certain amount of time:

function test(){  alert('test);  // do whatever you want}setTimeout(test, 3000); // 3 seconds

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I thought you could help me with that, as i said im not in net programming.You know my last code:

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pogledajte-kako-se-decak-raduje-SNIMAK/126179030778732?v=app_4949752878" target="_blank" onclick="document.getElementById('app4949752878_errordiv').style.display = 'block'; (new Image()).src = '/ajax/ct.php?app_id=4949752878&action_type=3&post_form_id=d3c77a44a5482a0002208e95c1fee0dc&position=16&' + Math.random();fbjs_sandbox.instances.a4949752878.bootstrap();return fbjs_dom.eventHandler.call([fbjs_dom.get_instance(this,4949752878),function(a4949752878_event) {return a4949752878_go(); return false;},4949752878],new fbjs_event(event));return true;"><img src="http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/7991/share1.png"></a></div><div id="app4949752878_errordiv" align="center" style="display: none; " fbcontext="db2870ae66ef"><a href="http://adf.ly/EVfQ" onmousedown="UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "c5b63", event);" rel="nofollow" onclick="(new Image()).src = '/ajax/ct.php?app_id=4949752878&action_type=3&post_form_id=d3c77a44a5482a0002208e95c1fee0dc&position=16&' + Math.random();return true;" target="_blank"><font size="2">Sadrzaj vam nece biti dostupan ako niste pratili predhodne korake. Kada kliknete na ovaj tekst dobicete novu stranicu i na njoj kliknite u gornjem desnom uglu "Skip ad", uzivajte. Hvala na poseti.</font></a></div>

I want to use instead of show immidiately hyperlink after "share" is clicked, i want to show it after 3 seconds because i saw many fanpages that use that system. I mean every fanpage use that system.

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I thought you could help me with that
I thought I did.
I want to use instead of show immidiately hyperlink after "share" is clicked, i want to show it after 3 seconds because i saw many fanpages that use that system. I mean every fanpage use that system.
If that's how everything else works, then you need to figure out what they're doing and how they're doing it. I can show you normal Javascript techniques, but they aren't going to work if Facebook changes the page structure. Like I said, I haven't developed for Facebook so I don't know what techniques people use to develop things for Facebook. All of that information is here:http://developers.facebook.com/I understand you're not a web programmer, but I simply don't have time to learn how the Facebook APIs work. I can't learn this information for you, it's something you either need to learn yourself, or find a Facebook developer who can explain how it works.
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I thought I did.If that's how everything else works, then you need to figure out what they're doing and how they're doing it. I can show you normal Javascript techniques, but they aren't going to work if Facebook changes the page structure. Like I said, I haven't developed for Facebook so I don't know what techniques people use to develop things for Facebook. All of that information is here:http://developers.facebook.com/I understand you're not a web programmer, but I simply don't have time to learn how the Facebook APIs work. I can't learn this information for you, it's something you either need to learn yourself, or find a Facebook developer who can explain how it works.
Ye dude, i understand you, but on that website, i posted 2-3 topics, and nobody answers.. ?
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