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IE 9 difference among 8, 7 && older


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Hi there,Maybe there's is topic such a like this, but didn't found it.Is there a big difference in CSS compatibility while viewing pages, which are designed for older IE versions, with IE 9?We, older OS users, are stuck with IE 9. So I can't check. Well, anyway, that will not force me to upgrade :)Regards

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IE 9 removed the IE-unique CSS quirks that IE7 and below had. IE 8 had many of the IE quirks fixed, but it didn't support newer CSS specs. That's how IE 9 is different. It supports many CSS3 properties. Funny, I think I like it better than Firefox 3. (But Opera is still my favorite!)

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So if I can understand you, you are saying that there's no big difference between IE globaly and other browsers (Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, Safari) in CSS style.Couse those four are very similar, just little fixes are needed somewhere. But IE was different world.

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IE 9 fits in with the group of those four browsers fairly well with its partial support for HTML5 and CSS3. IE 8 only fixed the weird positioning bugs that the previous versions of IE had. But it didn't really make any notable progressions like IE 9 is doing. IE 7 and previous had all sorts of weird bugs. I still have a specific stylesheet for those browsers, but I still highly discourage use for those browsers. It's just annoying that so much traffic (18%) on my website is on those browsers. That means at least 18% are viewing the website inferior to what it could be in new browsers.

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Well, I made if IE is less than 8 to move you to update page. There you have choice for downloading 5 major browsers.

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I did it like this on my website:1. create a lt IE 8 stylesheet and fix the positioning quirks. 2. If a visitor is using a browser lt IE 7 (IE 7 support PNG transparency, so my website doesn't look as bad in it), then pop up a confirm box: [ok] will redirect them to Opera's download page. [cancel] will allow them to browse the website anyway. I save their decision to a cookie so they don't get the alert on each page.

<!--[if lte IE 6]><script type="text/javascript">if ( !getCookie() ) {upgrade = confirm('The web browser you are using is over a decade old. \n\ Because of this, webpages may exhibit numerous aesthetic flaws. To enjoy this website fully, please upgrade to Opera Internet Browser. \n\n Opera is currently the fastest browser in the world. It is also one of the most secure. Offering excellent support for current web standards, Opera renders pages as attractively as possible. \n\n\Note: Installing Opera will not prevent you from using your current browser in the future. The browser is less than 10MB, so the download time will be about 3 times faster than most modern browsers.\n\n\[Ok] will redirect you to Opera Web Browser\'s site (recommended). \n\n\[Cancel] will allow you to browse the site without upgrading.');	if ( upgrade == 1 ) {		window.open('http://www.opera.com/download');	} if ( upgrade == 0 ) {		setCookie('oldBrowser', 1, 7);	}}function getCookie() {	c_name = 'oldBrowser';	if (document.cookie.length>0) {		c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=");		if (c_start!=-1) {			c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;			c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start);			if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;				return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));		} else return false;	} else return false;}function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays){	var exdate=new Date();	exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays);	document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+	((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toUTCString());}</script><![endif]-->

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FWIW, when I'm browsing I find that sort of thing VERY annoying. I think a lot of users do.
When I'm developing I find supporting IE6 VERY annoying. I think a lot of developers do.Thankfully, it's under 10% worldwide at this point.
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Yeah, for those tests you must have all versions of IE installed on PC (which is impossible).But question is, does IE Tester really shows page in selected version?5,5; 6; 7; 8; 9F****** Microsoft :/

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Why are you doubting that IE Tester doesn't show the right version? The pages look bad enough to me. In recent version of IE (at least 8 and 9) you can open the developer console (F12), and you can view pages in different versions of IE. Go to the far right of the toolbar in the developer tools window and select the browser mode you want. Just make sure the browser mode is the same as the quirks mode or else you can get some wild results.

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Also, I have script which checks browser and browser's version.

if ((BrowserDetect.browser == "Explorer") && (BrowserDetect.version < "7")) { 	window.location = "/update"; }

But while viewing with IE tester with version 6, it shows messed page, but not load update page.

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