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Html5 boilerplate .ir helperclass


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I have a question for those of you familiar with the Html5 boilerplate by Paul Irish & friends. How do I add a hyperlink to this image replacement technique? Where in the HTML lines marked with the .ir helperclass do I add the href? I really also need my image to be a button. The way I tried, made the whole width of the container div a button. Probably because I added the href too early in the code. Trying to include it within the ir class makes the hyperlink be replaced by the image. I feel very stupid not being able to figure it out. I must have overlooked something. Pls help!The CSS looks line this: .ir { display: block; text-indent: -999em; overflow: hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: left; direction: ltr; }Now all I need is my image to be clickable.

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I have a similar problem... the true is this forum is almost dead... no responses etc... :( I want understand how .ir works, by example I want image replacement for my logo, so I need a extra .class for work? like this

<a class="logo ir" href="/">my site name</a>

and in the class .logo I need insert the logo background image? or??? I try to understand how use the image replacement on boilerplate... help!

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I don't know what a "boilerplate" is. You don't necessarily need two classnames, it is just a way to do things when you have more complex stylesheets. For that particular element it doesn't matter which properties you put in which class declaration. If the classes are used elsewhere you need to put the background image on the class that's used on all the elements you want that image to be seen on.

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There is no plain HTML. The HTML you know is HTML 4.01.A lot of elements from HTML 3.2 were deprecated in HTML 4.01. HTML 5 introduces a lot of new elements, many with semantic purposes while others with functional purposes. You can read about it here: http://w3schools.com/html5/

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