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Filter non-case-sensitive


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I'm making a filter, it's working good, let's pretend "Hello" is in the filter.It'll filter "Hello" but not "HeLlo"I can't convert the entire string to lowercase, because it's a profile... so i have no clue how to do this.

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Either convert what you're searching for and what you're searching in to the same case, or use a case-insensitive table. Those are basically the same thing, but you can either search in a case-insensitive manner using one of those techniques, or you can search for all possible cases, which is going to put a lot more work on the database. If you're not searching in a database, post the code you're using.

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my code retrieves profanity words from a txt, and profile from a dbCode:

$words = file('filter.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);$re = implode('|', $words);$re = '/' . $re . '/';$prof = preg_replace($re, "*CENSORED*", $profd);

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Better add something else, too. If someone types the word 'assignment' you don't want to delete the first 3 letters. So try this:$re = '/\b' . $re . '\b/i';That makes sure you're filtering only whole words -- groups of characters separated by word boundaries, like a space, punctuation, or line break.

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