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Help with Javascript to write to MySQL and increase columns

SA Rob

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Hi folks,I have found this script which once ammended would work well for a cause that I have.I would like to use it for online scoring of a golf event.

  • Could someone please look at it and let me know if it can be improved on so as to have ±28 columns?
  • Can this information be subitted to MySQL ?
  • Can the table when ammended remove information form the MySQL database?

I look forward to your replies

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- Original: Bob Simpson ([email="webmaster@maryjanebrown.net"]webmaster@maryjanebrown.net[/email]) --><!-- Web Site: [url="http://maryjanebrown.net/webmaster"]http://maryjanebrown.net/webmaster[/url] -->/* Visit [url="http://www.yaldex.com/"]http://www.yaldex.com/[/url] for full source codeand get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */<!-- Beginfunction VER5_Check() {var b = navigator.appName;if (b == "Netscape") this.b = "NS";else if (b == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "IE";this.v = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);this.IE5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0);this.NS5 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 5);this.VER5 = (this.IE5 || this.NS5);}is = new VER5_Check();if(! is.VER5) {alert("Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape NS6 needed to view this site.");document.write('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=index.shtml">');}// End --></script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- 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I have a page which can be veiwed

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Hi Folks,As it goes it seems I can make changes to the file / script posted. . . . I have been succesful in adding a few columns and changing the headings.Am I wasteing my time in this process ?If it doesnt update in the MySQL then I am and a different tack needs to be adopted.

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Javascript by itself cannot make any changes to MySQL. It's a client side scripting language and runs just in the browser. What you would need is to create some sort of server side script proxy whereby Javascript would make an AJAX request to the script, give it whatever information it needs to make the database updates or whatever, and then that server-side script would make the calls to the database and possibly return something if you're application is expecting it.

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Javascript by itself cannot make any changes to MySQL. It's a client side scripting language and runs just in the browser. What you would need is to create some sort of server side script proxy whereby Javascript would make an AJAX request to the script, give it whatever information it needs to make the database updates or whatever, and then that server-side script would make the calls to the database and possibly return something if you're application is expecting it.
Wow - thats sounds quite complex - but in understanding it then.This process is possible - that is to call information from MySQL - add or alter it and then by submission send the new information back to MySQL for another use.I appreciate your reply
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yes. that process needs to happen with a server side script (somewhere in the chain). It's the same concept as using forms to submit information to a database.

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yes. that process needs to happen with a server side script (somewhere in the chain). It's the same concept as using forms to submit information to a database.
Thanks againWould you perhaps be able to assist / do this for me ?
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Any of us would be happy to assist you. I would first recommend going over the PHP/MySQL tutorials and the AJAX section of the javascript tutorials. Also good would be understanding how forms interact with server side scripts. That should give you enough info on the high level stuff so you can better plan an approach that best suits your applications needs/specifications.

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Any of us would be happy to assist you. I would first recommend going over the PHP/MySQL tutorials and the AJAX section of the javascript tutorials. Also good would be understanding how forms interact with server side scripts. That should give you enough info on the high level stuff so you can better plan an approach that best suits your applications needs/specifications.
Hi,Thanks for the positive feedback.I will go and read as suggested in order that I can learn some more and understand better what you are suggesting.I myself have no code experiance for any of the languages and what i do know ar ethe very simple basics of how to change a colour ,for example and event then I need to go look and see.Your assitance here would be accepted when you can.In terms of understanding what my needs are I think I have a good idea but would welcome any suggestions that my contribute to the succes of my mini tasks
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  • 2 weeks later...
Right, I use Opera. It doesn't like Opera apparently. It's using an old version of browser sniffing to look for words in the user agent string.
Oh well - I dont now how I can help ?
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what do you need help with? what have you tried?
Hi ,I have done quite a bit of reading and searching on the web.I have made some changes to the above file in order to get 18 columns but I dont know the language at all.I have played with various changes in the script to see if I can get it to do what I am looking for ultimately with little positive effect as th elogic is beyond me.I am trying to get the information to post to MySQL and if needed edit the number if a correction needs to be made.If you copy the script above and try it you will see part of what I am trying to explain , yet a little differentThanks for you interest
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