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Form trouble.


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 <form id="addressForm" action="/" style='text-align: left;'>	<div style=''>	<div style='text-align: left;'>	  <label for="address">Address:</label><Br>	  <input type="text" name="address" id="address" style='width: 300px;' /><br>	  <label for="radius">Radius:</label><br>		  <select name="Radius" size="1" style='width: 300px;'>	<option value="5" selected>5</option>	<option value="10">10</option>	<option value="50">50</option>	</select><br></div>	  <input type="submit" id="addressButton" value="Get Bars" />	</div>  </form>

In my header I have this:

   form.onsubmit = function() {	  // Getting the address from the text input	  var address = document.getElementById('address').value;	  var dist = document.getElementById('dropdown').value	  // Making the Geocoder call 	  getCoordinates(address);	  	  // Preventing the form from doing a page submit	  return false;	  	}

With action="/" the form used to work perfectly. I was busy making some modifications inside getCoordinates(address); when I noticed the Get Bars button no longer did what it was supposed to and started redirecting me to some other page. I don't know how to fix this. Does anyone know what might be happening?Thank you

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