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JS String | JS Object


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What is the difference between a STRING and an OBJECT?
i suggest you "go to school" first !start here and work your way to the bottom of the list.don't quote me on this as proper def-n, but a STRING is a set of characters that is used as data, not the variables or functions, methods, etcan OBJECT is, ehm... the KEY "thing" you're dealing with in HTML/JS - read through that link, and you'll see what it is more clearly.
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The W3Schools Javascript tutorial explains what a string is http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_obj_string.asp and what an object is http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_obj_intro.aspThe difference? Well, they are hardly related to eachother in any way, besides being a data type.

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In JavaScript, everything is an object. The value of a string object is a series of characters, but the object also has properties and methods. In other languages, a string is only the characters.A string object is different from objects you create yourself in a very special way. When you write str = "hello", only the characters are overwritten. The methods and properties still exist (although the value of some properties, such as length, would be updated).This would not happen if you created a generic object and assigned a new value to it. In that case, all the objects properties and methods would be overwritten.

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