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No MySQL results w/ IE

Guest malcolmclark

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Guest malcolmclark

When accessing the MySQL table, Firefox displays the results correctly but IE will not. This is a snippet from my calling html file - prod_get.php. The "action" calls the same file that the MySQL query resides in.

<form action="prod_get.php" method="POST" ><input type="image"  name="msearchitem" src="butt_chairs.jpg" value="CHAIRS"></input>

The code creates the table for displaying the results. IE gives me a blank screen with no results. Firefox does display results correctly.

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products where prod_cat = '{$_POST["msearchitem"]}' order by 'prod_id'", $connect) or die('Error, insert query failed');while ($query_data = mysql_fetch_row($result))  {echo "<tr><td width=300><center><img src=\"pics/" , $query_data[6],"\"></center></td><td width=250 valign=top>";echo "<b>",$query_data[8],"</b><br>#<b><font size=-1>",$query_data[1], "</font></b><br><font size=-1>", $query_data[9],"</font><br>";echo "<table border=1 width=250><tr><td>48(3R)</td><td>144</td><td>500</td><td>500+</td></tr><tr><td>",$query_data[10],"</td><td>",$query_data[11],"</td><td>",$query_data[12],"</td><td>Quote</td></tr></table><P><hr width=75%><P>";echo "</td></tr>";}echo "</td></tr></table>";

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If Firefox displays the results then it's neither an SQL or a PHP problem, there must be something in the end HTML that IE doesn't like, can you give us that to have a look at? (i.e. the source code that is sent to the browser after all PHP is parsed)

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One thing you might try is to remove the </input> closing tag, it's not necessary. IE might be confused over that. If you are going for XHTML conformity, you can close the input tag like this:

<input type="image"  name="msearchitem" src="butt_chairs.jpg" value="CHAIRS" />

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