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Undefined Variable - How Does It Work?


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<html>    <head>  <title>Table Sort Example</title>	    <script type="text/javascript">	   		    function convert(sValue, sDataType) {			    switch(sDataType) {				    case "int":					    return parseInt(sValue);				    case "float":					    return parseFloat(sValue);				    case "date":					    return new Date(Date.parse(sValue));				    default:					    return sValue.toString();			   			    }		    }	   		    function generateCompareTRs(iCol, sDataType) {	   			    return  function compareTRs(oTR1, oTR2) {						    var vValue1, vValue2;	   						    if (oTR1.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value")) {							    vValue1 = convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value"),											  sDataType);							    vValue2 = convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value"),											  sDataType);						    } else {							    vValue1 = convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,											  sDataType);							    vValue2 = convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,											  sDataType);						    }	   						    if (vValue1 < vValue2) {							    return -1;						    } else if (vValue1 > vValue2) {							    return 1;						    } else {							    return 0;						    }					    };		    }		  		    function sortTable(sTableID, iCol, sDataType) {			    var aTRs = new Array;	   			    for (var i=0; i < document.getElementById(sTableID).tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) {				    aTRs[i] = document.getElementById(sTableID).tBodies[0].rows[i];			    }	   			    if (document.getElementById(sTableID).sortCol == iCol) {				    aTRs.reverse();			    } else {				    aTRs.sort(generateCompareTRs(iCol, sDataType));			    }	   			    var oFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();			    for (var i=0; i < aTRs.length; i++) {				    oFragment.appendChild(aTRs[i]);			    }	  			    document.getElementById(sTableID).tBodies[0].appendChild(oFragment);			    document.getElementById(sTableID).sortCol = iCol;		    }	    </script>	    <style>		 img {width: 75px; height: 75px;}	    </style>    </head>    <body>	    <table border="1" id="tblSort">		    <thead>			    <tr>				    <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort', 0)" style="cursor:pointer">Type</th>				    <th onClick="sortTable('tblSort', 1)" style="cursor:pointer">Filename</th>				   			    </tr>		    </thead>		    <tbody>			    <tr>				    <td value="doc"><img src="http://jurajmarek.com/images/doc.png"/></td>				    <td>My Resume.doc</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="xls"><img src="http://www.deeretalk.com/forums/images/attach/xls.gif"/></td>				    <td>Fall Budget.xls</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="pdf"><img src="http://images.wikia.com/psychology/images/7/79/Adobepdfreader7_icon.png"/></td>				    <td>How to be a better programmer.pdf</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="doc"><img src="http://jurajmarek.com/images/doc.png"/></td>				    <td>My Old Resume.doc</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="txt"><img src="http://after-school2010.com/img/icon_txt.jpg"/></td>				    <td>Notes from Meeting.txt</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="zip"><img src="http://www.topsofts.com/pop/file-compression/img/winzip1.gif"/></td>				    <td>Backups.zip</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="xls"><img src="http://www.deeretalk.com/forums/images/attach/xls.gif"/></td>				    <td>Spring Budget.xls</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="doc"><img src="http://jurajmarek.com/images/doc.png"/></td>				    <td>Job Description - Web Designer.doc</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="pdf"><img src="http://images.wikia.com/psychology/images/7/79/Adobepdfreader7_icon.png"/></td>				    <td>Saved Web Page.pdf</td>			    </tr>			    <tr>				    <td value="doc"><img src="http://jurajmarek.com/images/doc.png"/></td>				    <td>Chapter 1.doc</td>			    </tr>		    </tbody>	    </table>	     </body></html>

oTR1, oTR2I cannot find where they are defined.How're they made to work properly?

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Are you talking about this?

return function compareTRs(oTR1, oTR2) {

Those are function parameters, they get set when the function is called.The array sort() method passes two elements of the array to a function to be compared, this is the function they're being passed to.

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Yes. I didn't understand what the parameters represent. Is this the same to

function sortSomething (a,{		    return a-b;}

And the code below is something like this:

if (oTR1.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value")) {														    vValue1 = convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value"),																						  sDataType);														    vValue2 = convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].getAttribute("value"),																						  sDataType);												    } else {														    vValue1 = convert(oTR1.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,																						  sDataType);														    vValue2 = convert(oTR2.cells[iCol].firstChild.nodeValue,																						  sDataType);												    }

so oTR1/oTR2 must be the table's rows?

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Yes, if you look at the code, you'll see it's generating an array of table cells. It's different than a nodelist because you can use the sort() method among other things. It sorts the array based on the content of the cells.

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