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Question About Learning/memorizing Html


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Ive been working with HTML since the 7th grade so I know how it works for the most part. I can look at any html script and tell what does what and how to edit it, but never tried learning how to actually write it from scratch, until now. I want to start making websites asap and looking through the html course i notice that i know/understand most of whats in the basic (except for some vocabulary and name of parts). I am still taking my time through it to make sure I don't miss anything. My question is, how much of the language am I supposed to memorize and know at the top of my head?Should i take the time to memorize every little thing before continuing (like this http://w3schools.com/tags/default.asp) or should I go through the whole course, learn the basics, and look back only when i need to, and eventually i'll end up memorizing most of it?

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The W3Schools tutorial has it well put. Instead of memorizing tags, try memorizing techniques and structures.Every HTML document must have the basic structure:

<html>   <head>    <title>Title, head and body are required</title>  </head>  <body>  </body></html>

Learn to use <div> elements to structure a page. Don't worry about how it looks, just think about sending the content in the right format. Put headings for the title levels in your page and use paragraphs for text:

<h1>Page structure</h1>  <h2>Headings</h2><p>Headings indicate the title of any subsection of a page.</p> <h2>Paragraphs</h2><p>Paragraphs encompass long blocks of text that give explanations about a topic. Don't use paragraphs to encompass single words.</p>

Every time you write some text, try to find an element that best describes it. For example, encompass addresses with the <address> tags. Use <ul>, <ol> and <dl> for lists of data. You should check the reference a lot until you're used to working with these structures.

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:Pleased: Awesomebasically i should, understand it, know the different tags, not necessary to memorize everything at first as long as i understand what can do and how to do it correctly because i'll be able to look back, eventually it'll all come naturally thank you so much :happy0046: now.... going to finish taking notes xD
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Just to add: One thing to remember when it comes to HTML and considered good practice is that HTML should only be implemented as the structure of the page; meaning HTML for structure only and CSS for presentation only. In other words, something like this should be avoided in your HTML: <p style="color:red">This is a paragraph with inline CSS styling.</p> Though it should be avoided, does not mean you don't or should not do it. The above is basically considered bad practice. An analogy would be like the HTML as the bones of your page and CSS as your muscles/skin, etc :-) CSS defined in the head of the document is considered better than inline but best to have it in an external style sheet if anything. This also goes for JavaScript. According to what's considered bad practice, having something like onclick="myFunc(this.value);" for an element in the middle of your HTML. If anything best to keep JS separate either in the head of the document but recommended in an external JavaScript file. This is known as unobtrusive JavaScript. Click http://en.wikipedia....sive_JavaScript for more info. Good luck with your notes! :-)

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Another thing: Remember to always include a DTD (Document Type Definition) in your document. I recommend using one of the XHTML/HTML Strict DTDs or the new HTML5 DTD. (Don't worry if you've never heard of a DTD, W3Schools covers them in the tutorial)Without a DTD, browsers will likely be thrown into quirks mode which can cause a whole world of problems...

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