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Storing/retrieving Korean Characters.


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I'm not sure if this should be here or in SQL, but I ran into a very annoying problem that I think is related to my php because of one of the notes I mention below. I can't get a GD script to properly create an image with Korean characters pulled out of a database. Any text just turns into ???. What I've done:

mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'euc-kr', character_set_client = 'euc-kr', character_set_connection = 'euc-kr', character_set_database = 'euc-kr', character_set_server = 'euc-kr'", $condb); mysql_set_charset('euc-kr'); <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr" /></head> 

Setting indivdiual columns collation to 'euckr_bin' krnprob.png setting the default charset in php.ini to euc-kr Notes:If I manually input Korean characters into the database, they are stored just fine. Korean characters can be seen perfectly fine on the page if I just stick them in like:echo "숒숒숒숒"; Or even appear in the GD images themselves if I type them in manually instead of pulling from the database.

$charset = mysql_client_encoding($condb);

Still returns 'latin1' I don't know what else to do! Can anyone give me some ideas?

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