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Warning: Mail() [Function.mail]: Smtp Server Response: 553 Relaying Through This Server Requires Authentication. Please Authenticate Before Sending. I


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well this is where I'm really lost. I never got this error before. When I try and send an email in php. I get this error, Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 553 Relaying through this server requires authentication. Please authenticate before sending. in C:\www\vhosts\_static\toppers\vip\mail.php on line 27MAIL FAILED What it is asking for is a user name and password. Well I never had to set that up before. in the php.ini file I never had too. here's my php.ini file

[mail function]; For Win32 only.SMTP = localhostsmtp_port = 25; For Win32 only.;sendmail_from = [email="topper@toppersbbs.info"]topper@toppersbbs.info[/email]sendmail_from = [email="postmaster@localhost.com"]postmaster@localhost.com[/email]; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").;sendmail_path =

Please why is this doing this now. why didn't it do this 6 months ago. Joe

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That's a no, There is no SMTP Server. I running this from PHP. I have a PHP script that sends an email.

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I didn't know that PHP sends SMTP. and I never had to set that up before. and the SMTP server I do have. Doesn't have any thing to do with PHP. It's a completely different part of the setup I have. Have any ideas. on what to do. I never had to do this before.

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The two options are to either enable relaying on the mail server, or have PHP authenticate with it. The PEAR Mail package should be able to do that. The built-in mail function does not allow SMTP authentication. There's an example with PEAR here: http://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm

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Ok, well what I'm trying to say is that the SMTP server I do run, has nothing to do with the PHP scripts. I just ran the mail() and that's all I have to do to send mail. So why do I have to set that up now. Is there a way to disable that so I can just use the PHP mail()

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There are only 2 options, if you don't want to change your code then the only other option is to allow relaying on the mail server. I would suggest that you limit relaying only to the PHP server so that spammers don't figure out that they can send mail through your server.

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UPDATE: I am so sorry I didn't know. You see I thought for the last 25 Years that I been running Apache and PHP that PHP had it's own built in SMTP server. Like Perl has it's Sendmail(). Well I didn't know that PHP was using the SMTP Server on some software that I run that has a built in SMTP Server. and It;s been using that server and well I just fount out after 25 years of running Local Web sites. So now I have to try and find another SMTP Server software so I can setup PHP mail from it. and then I have to try and figure out how to setup PHP to see and log in to the SMTP server. Thank you very much for your helpJoe

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