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Quotes From Word In Js


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I am thoroughly confused. I wrote some code in notepad and everything worked fine. I needed to make some large scale additions to it so I imported some text to word to better cut/paste and change the variables. When I brought back into notepad the code started breaking due to the double quotes that word used. When I set the variable value in notepad it looks like this.

<OPTION  value ="Turftan">Turftan</OPTION>

When I do it in word(and paste it in here) i get this

<OPTION  value =“Turftan”>Turftan</OPTION>

When the program runs from the notepad version it runs fine because the value is just the text value. When It runs from the word version then the value includes the quotations. Why is this?

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most likely some sort of entity converting that Word is doing. Since Word is a word processor, I wouldn't use it for editing and writing code. Perhaps you might want consider upgrading your editor to something a bit more sophisticated, just to help make the work a bit more pleasing. There Notepad++ that you could tryout.

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