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hello everyone, how are you guys doing? ok, i was coding up this template and this question came into mind, i believe that it should work and it should be part of the code "if its not that is" but anyway enough with the hold up, can you make a max-height automatic? "i know i might be wrong but i just gotta make sure :)"

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What do you mean by "automatic?"
sup foxy, sorry i took so long to reply, had classes............and like when you have a left column and you use a image for the background somethin like this #wrapper #sidebarthingy {background-image: url (./this/image);background-repeat:no-repeat;height: 50px;}but that image isnt the right height so then you going back and editing that piece of image, cant you place the max height as auto? like how you do with the margin: 0px auto 0px auto; so when you add more detail in that sidebar the background image just expaned according to the amount of info in it. 0.o i think i explain this well.lemme know if you get it what im saying ok?
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The max-height is auto by default, meaning that it takes up as much space as the content within it. If you want the background image to take up as much vertical space as possible, CSS3 has the background-size property. If you want it to have a minimum height as large as the sidebar, one technique is to put the sidebar element inside that one.

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