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[Solved] Js Scope Issue


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Ok I've got another question that should be easier to answer. I've got an object called Frame that holds an array of objects called Points. I want to use jQuery's $.get method to call a php file to return this information. The $.get is called inside the Frame object.

function Frame(){this.JSONReturnData =  null;this.pointsJSON =   null;  this.loadPoints =   function(){  $.get("php/getPoints.php", {sessionId:window.sessionId,sequence:this.sequence}, function(d)  {   this.JSONReturnData = d;   this.pointsJSON = $.parseJSON(d);  }}}

Here is the code cleaned up a bit. I set the values to null in the head of the objects and I want to set their actual values in the method "loadPoints". But I realised before I even tested it that the $.get callback is going to run inside it's own object. And if I return the data then it will just return to the $ (jQuery) object. So using this and return won't work in this situation and I'm not sure how to send the data back to the host object. I know I could use window to set it as a global variable but that's just bad programming. I'm trying to get away from cheap dirty tricks like that. Anyone know how I can solve this problem? EDIT: I have thought about doing this-

var jObj = $.get("php/getPoints.php", {sessionId:window.sessionId,sequence:this.sequence}, function(d)  {   return d;  });   this.JSONReturnData = jObj.responseText;  this.pointsJSON = $.parseJSON(this.JSONReturnData);

But the issue is that the rest of the method will keep running and not wait for the $.get method to finish.

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There is a scope issue. I think this might solve the problem:

function Frame(){var that = this;this.JSONReturnData =  null;this.pointsJSON =   null;  this.loadPoints =   function(){  $.get("php/getPoints.php", {sessionId:window.sessionId,sequence:this.sequence}, function(d)  {   that.JSONReturnData = d;   that.pointsJSON = $.parseJSON(d);  }}}

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