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Li Not Appearing Well


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Go to this site here:http://www.hellenicastrology.gr/ In chrome, you will see that in the sitemap, in the footer, in the 3rd from column from the left with the title heading Θεμελιώδεις Αρχές and in the last li there Ήλιος, σελήνη και πλανητικό σύστημα, the word spacing appears bigger in comparison with firefox. Why this happens?What is the problem with the css/markup of the specific li? Why the other li items do not have the same issue-in chrome.

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It looks as though the align="justify in <div id="sitemap" align="justify "> is causing the problem. once i removed that the text corrected itself. Note: The li text here is different from what id shown on the web site? had to do a double look up to identify which li text you where talking about.

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I fixed it. But since we are talking about the same site, take a look(also at the footer) at <ul class="column2">. In Chrome it appear some pixels upwards in comparison to firefox. I must adjust the top-margin to fix this. But how can i achieve having a different top-margin for Chrome.

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If it where me, I would redo this without position absolute. you have the outer footer container, and four column containers which seem to be all over the place position wise, and then you are repositioning the ul column2 using bottom property, which i thought would have been better by top:0, but as i said the column container are not exactly where you think they would be. the ul are all exactly the same except for width/height, all you have to do is place them in there individual column, the two placed side by side widths need to be adjusted and then floated side by side, they then will appear equal height from top in all browsers. I think its already been mentioned before that margins, floating, padding should be used moreover than positioning for layout.

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I think its already been mentioned before that margins, floating, padding should be used moreover than positioning for layout.
Yes, i know, since this a site constructed for some months, i did not bother making the transition-wherever possible- from position relative to margins, paddings etc. on one step. I just find where the problems are and then act accordingly.
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