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Different Color In Ff And Diff. In Chrome.


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Go to this site: http://www.hellenicastrology.gr/ Go to left column, under the slideshow, you will notice a red horizontal line, there are 2 of them actually. They have the border-color property of #730806 The problem is that in Chrome the color appears a little more darker in comparison with Firefox. The difference is subtle. Look closely. Why that happens?

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There are also other issues, minor differences in the way the browsers display/interpret css-i do not want to mention all of them here. But the bottom line is how to fix all these? With IE things are simple, you just make an IE-only stylesheet and the story ends there.But what about Chrome or Firefox? What do you do with these browsers?

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You are using groove for the border style, which produces a two tier coloured border, it seems using groove and using 1px border results in browsers using different 2nd border colours, and which 1px border to show ie FF shows top 1px border, while other browsers show bottom 1px border. I suggest using solid border style, so only 1px and one specific colour shows for all.

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Thanks for the tip, besides that i have found a was to make chrome-only css.

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Even though your logic is correct, i tried it and the outcome was not what i wanted it-see for yourself. I wonder if chrome renders lines or/and colors differently than FF. Maybe the only solution is to use an image. Tell me what you think.

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