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read mdb file backwards


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Your system is very confusing. (Maybe because I‘m Swedish.) I posted a question, but I can’t figure out how or where to go to read your answer. Here it is again . . .--------------------------------------------- I’m trying to read mdb file backwards. please help me ------------------------------------------------------------------------ while(! (rs.EOF)) //READ forward <-- this part works fine { //567 Response.Write( rs("id").Value +"<br>" ) if(rs("id").Value==2515 ) break; rs.MoveNext( ) } //567 . Response.Write( "FOUND EOF<br>" ) . while(! (rs.BOF )) //read backwards { //567 Response.Write( rs("id").Value +"<br>" ) rs.MovePrevious( ) <-------------------- this part returns - ADODB.Recordseterror '800a0c93' Operation is not allowed in this context. } //567 //What context must I be in?

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