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Problem with Text Area


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I am having the strangest problem. I am not really sure what could be causing the issue but it is happening in both chrome and IE. I am using a simple textarea for a registration form and in order to type in it you must double click. Here is the code I am using. <label class="search-text">Work Description: <span> Tell your customer what your good at!</span></br><textarea class="text" name="description" rows="10" cols="30"> </textarea> I have completely disabled the CSS file and the problem still exists so I dont believe it has anything to do with style. Thanks for the help.

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ok... sorry about that. When the page loads you cannot click into the text area field and type. I have uploaded this to my production site so you can see it. The field with the label of "Work Description: Tell your customer what your good at!" If you single click on the field you cannot type into it, but if you double click then you can. Notice when you click it the field above it kind of blinks.http://www.truckrepair-md.com/register_shops.php I hope this explains it a little better. Thanks for the help.

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