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Help with querying database for searching via OO PHP

Don E

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I'm having some trouble querying the database for searching. The website is created object oriented. Below is the search.php page that takes the search query/word/phrase. Below that is the member function that is suppose to return the content based on the search word or phrase. This all use to work fine until I upgraded PHP. Everything below is basically a prototype, so if there's anything that can be improved, I understand. What's happening is.. I am not getting the error message I set up when nothing matches. However, when I use a keyword that I know will return results, it works. I just don't understand why the error message doesn't return anymore when nothing is found. search.php:

<?phprequire_once("_includes/listings_page.php");require_once("_includes/search_pagination.php");//Content is also included here.$searchPage = new listings();$searchPage->__set("title", "Search Results | Nucul Performance");$searchPage->intro_content = "<p>Search results...</p>";$searchPhrase = trim($_GET['s']);$searchPhraseClean = str_replace(",", "",$searchPhrase);// this is for inserting search keywords, ip address and userAgent(browser) into database.(To get an idea what people are searching for; thus supply demand)if(!empty($searchPhraseClean)){$mysqli = new MySQLi("xx","xx","xx","xx") or die("No connection");$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO searchKeywords (keywords, ip_address, browser_type) VALUES ('$searchPhraseClean','$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]','$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]')");$mysqli->close();}// making new instance of the class searchPagination.$searchContent = new searchPagination();if(!empty($searchPhraseClean))  {$pageLinks = $searchContent->getPageLinks($searchPhraseClean);//returns pagination links$searchPage->links = $pageLinks;$getContent = $searchContent->getContent($searchPhraseClean);//returns an array with content or returns a non-array with a message.if(is_array($getContent))$searchPage->content = $getContent;else$searchPage->message = $getContent;$searchPage->Display();}else{$searchPage->message = "<p class=\"error\">Please specify a search phrase or keyword.</p>";$searchPage->Display();}?>

Below is: $getContent = $searchContent->getContent() member function from class searchPagination();.

public function getContent($search){  $mysqli = new MySQLi("xx","xx","xx","xx") or die("No connection");  $searchClean = $mysqli->real_escape_string($search);    $this->results = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM postings WHERE MATCH(title,post) AGAINST ('$searchClean') LIMIT $this->start, $this->per_page"); // first search query   if($this->results == FALSE) // if first search query gets no results, try second below  {       // Noticed: I am pretty sure the program gets to this point but it's as if the below is not being ran..    $this->results = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM postings WHERE title LIKE '%$searchClean%' OR post LIKE '%$searchClean%' LIMIT $this->start, $this->per_page "); // second search    if($this->results == FALSE) // if second fails, nothing found display error below    {	 return "<p class=\"error\">No results for: <em>$searchClean</em></p><p>Please try again. Be more specific, using whole words.</p>";  // Noticed: This is what I want to return when nothing is found in the database based on the search keyword/phrase    }    }   while ($row = $this->results->fetch_assoc())//displays results  {	 $id = $row['id'];	 $title = $row['title'];	 $posted_on = $row['posted_on'];	 $posted_by  = $row['posted_by'];	 $post   = $row['post'];	 $picture = $row['picture'];	 $price = $row['price'];	   $filesize = filesize(np_UPLOADPATH.$picture);   if($filesize > np_MAXFILESIZE)   {    $picSize = getimagesize(np_UPLOADPATH.$picture);    $resizeImage = new resizeImage();    $resizedPic = $resizeImage->imageResize($picSize[0],$picSize[1], 400);	// below is an array. The while loop loops through the array setting each element(array key) with whatever is being drawn from the database. Then I used a foreach to output the array in the contents DIV.$this->content[] = ("<h2>$title</h2><h4>$posted_on posted by $posted_by</h4><div class=\"topArrow\"></div><div class=\"contentContainer\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"\"><tr><td>$post</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"/np/photos/$picture\" $resizedPic/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"colspan=\"2\"><hr/>$price | Inquiry | <a href=\"/np/viewphotos/".$id."/".$newTitle=strtolower(str_replace(array(": ", " ","!","'","?"),"-",$title))."/\">See more pictures</a></td></tr></table></div>");   }   else   {$this->content[] = ("<h2>$title</h2><h4>$posted_on posted by $posted_by</h4><div class=\"topArrow\"></div><div class=\"contentContainer\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"\"><tr><td>$post</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"/np/photos/$picture\"/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"colspan=\"2\"><hr/>$price | Inquiry | <a href=\"/np/viewphotos/".$id."/".$newTitle=strtolower(str_replace(array(": ", " ","!","'","?"),"-",$title))."/\">See more pictures</a></td></tr></table></div>");	   	 }    }  $mysqli->close();  return $this->content;}

Apologies if anything is confusing. Thanks.

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The return value from a query that doesn't return any results is not false, it is a result set with 0 records. You can use the num_rows property of the result to figure out how many results there are. It only returns false if there was an error with the query.

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JSG, I switched switched if($this->results == FALSE) to if($this->results->num_rows == 0) and it works now but I'm getting this error:Notice: Trying to get property of non-objectThanks.

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Column 'post' didn't have FULLTEXT set for it. I just set it to FULLTEXT but I am still getting that error.. is it because of my query(s)? "SELECT * FROM postings WHERE MATCH(title,post) AGAINST ('$searchClean') LIMIT $this->start, $this->per_page" Since only columns 'title' and 'post' have FULLTEXT set for them, should I change the query above to instead:"SELECT title, post FROM postings WHERE MATCH(title,post) AGAINST ('$searchClean') LIMIT $this->start, $this->per_page" ? Thanks.

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