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Loading class objects


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Hey all! I am looking for some code examples of your favorite way to load classes. Currently all of my classes extend one super class. In the super class I have a protected function called _load($classname), this function takes the name of the class and through a foreach loop, i assign objects and load the class, require_once($classname.php); $this->$classname = new $classname; How I activate this is in the __construct of the sub classes, I call _load(classname) and load the class I need giving me access to all that classes public functions in a nice way. subclass {$this->classname->publicFunction();} Can anyone think of a better way of doing this? This works great right now as a global way to load and access a class on demand, but I wonder. Is there a better way, perhaps a way to access the protected functions (not extending as ill need access to more then one class at a time)? Thanks!!

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You may want to consider static classes for certain situations if you haven't looked into those yet, you can also use an autoloading function rather than a list of include or require statements: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php The factory pattern is also a common design choice, you'll see it used in things like Pear: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.patterns.php

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