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loop within a loop problem


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I have 2 loops, one is inside the other. What i am interested achieving is to terminate the outer loop earlier-instead going x iteration it must iterate x-something. I will demonstrate the code and the image(it is from the calendar i am building)-when you get to see the image you will understand exactly what i am talking:Here is the code:

for ($i = 0; $i < (($maxday) + $startday + $sunday); $i++) {				    //   for ($i = 0,$j=10;$j<15, $i < (($maxday) + $startday + $sunday); $i++, $j++) {	 					   					    if (($i % 7) == 0)                  					    echo "<tr class='juveline'>\n";				    if($i < $sunday)					    echo "<td></td>\n";                 				    elseif(($i - $sunday + 1)==7)				    {echo '<td></td>';}				    elseif  ((date('d',$previousmonday)) == ($i - $sunday + 1))				    {					    for ($k = 1; $k < 8; $k++)					    {						 						    if(date("d")  == ($i - $sunday + $k)) {//&&(date("d") == ($i - $startday + $k))&&(date("n")==(date("n", strtotime($newdate)))))							    echo "<td class='nav-cur-highlited' align='center' valign='middle' height='20px'>" . ($i - $sunday + $k ) . "</td>\n";							    }							    else							    echo "<td class='weekgreen' align='center' valign='middle' height='20px'>" .k.($i - $sunday + $k) . "</td>\n";													   						 }					 				    }				          					 else {					    echo "<td class='calendar-day' align='center' valign='middle' height='20px'>" . ($i - $sunday + 1) . "</td>\n";				    }				   				   				    if				    (($i % 7) == 6)					    echo "</tr>\n";			    }

This is what is produce from the above code:https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=be27434b2aac8130&resid=BE27434B2AAC8130!140&parid=root I want the numbers(days) in the red circle removed(they are part of the outer loop which needs adjustment), the numbers with the blue background is the week highlighted.

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At the point you want to exit from the inner and outer loop, add

break 2;

The break construct can take a number that specifies the number of loops to break from: In your case 2.

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break will just end the loop, I just want to modify the exerior one a little

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Well, there's not a built-in PHP statement to "modify the exterior loop a little", so maybe you just want to change the value of $i or the other variables you're using to figure out when to stop the loop. You can also use a continue statement to stop processing the current iteration and go to the next.

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Finally did it, continue was the solution to the problem. :good: I was not aware about the existence of this specific statement-i went to the php manual and from there it was straightforward. Thanks

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