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can someone help with ftp server


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Im new with windows server 2008 and ftp server.I have a windows server 2008 wind ftp server and i cant seem to establish connection to upload file from my website,also tryed to connect tru cmd and got error, can someone help? thanks

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Guest LH91325

The first thing you should do is ping your server to determine if you have TCP/IP connectivity. If no, fix the connectivity problem. If yes, move on to the next step. You said you tried to connect "tru cmd and got error." I presume you mean command line FTP? What error? Doesn't help to say you got an error without saying what it is.

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Can you access the FTP server from the Windows Server computer itself?If so, it's a networking issue...If not... when you setted up the FTP, did you used "Virtual Host Names"? What did you set your SSL setting too?You must explicitly say "No SSL" (if you have 2008 R2) or "Allow SSL" (if you have 2008), unless you actually have an SSL certificate. By default, the SSL setting is "Require SSL", which if you don't have a certificate renders the FTP unusable.As for the "Virtual Host Names"... if you've specified one, your FTP username needs to be changed to "virtualhostname|username". If not, it should be just "username".

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Like I said

As for the "Virtual Host Names"... if you've specified one, your FTP username needs to be changed to "virtualhostname|username". If not, it should be just "username".
The error message suggests that's the problem.
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Check your "FTP Authorization" rules. Perhaps you haven't added your username (or group) to the list of allowed usernames.

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Also make sure that user has privileges on the file system itself.Go to the home folder's properties, and check the "Security" tab. Add full permissions to this user if you want to be sure.

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It can't be that. FTP works without involving DNS in any way.There is only one possible problem I can think of - active vs. passive mode. But trying to solve this without knowing it's the cause can render your server fully inaccessible, so let's first be sure about that:From the server itself, can you access the FTP on the server? That is, from its command prompt, if you type

ftp localhost

and then enter the username and password, do you connect successfully, or does that message occur even at that point?

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Guest So Called

It looks to me like the OP is connecting via an IP address, that the FTP client has connected to the FTP server ("220 Microsoft FTP Service"). I can't quite tell what happens after that because too much is blotted out. OP are you using a response script or are you entering username and password manually? If not the latter then try that.

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Guest So Called

1. Your network router may not be configured to allow connections between PCs. You should PING your ftp server from the other computer to establish TCP/IP connect ability. 2. Temporarily forget the script and try manually.

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from the server i can connnect tru ftp with cmd but with another pc in the same network i cant.
But can you also login from localhost?Assuming "yes"... Try to fully disable the Windows Firewall (and/or any other AV/Firewall program you may have), just in case.
im using a response script.
Yeah, don't use that until you get the thing working without it.
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