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I apologize in advance if this is off topic, except the site in question is run with PHP/Apache. Aside from asking a site owner to remove an article about me that ranks high in search results, do I have other options? I've requested politely and was refused. The article is legit...I'm doing what I can with my own sites, meta tags, url and sitemap inclusion in G and Bing, but this other site trumps them. Thanks in advance for thoughts on this. Or PM me.

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It's always good to hear from Nebraska. As for your troubles, you're probably out of luck unless you have a some kind of intellectual right to the information and even then it may fall under fair use.

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thanks niche, figured that already...since you're a marketing guy, got any ranking tips beyond meta words, sitemap, url submit? been using G's and Bing's webmaster tools. anything else? and if this gets too off-topic please to inform where to post? thanks

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We should be discussing code. However, the use (I said use not creation) of code is always limited by an organization's business model. It may be that you're approaching the expiration date on your model. In that case, optimization won't matter as much. When we're connected to an unlimited upside, it usually doesn't pay to enforce our rights or try to rub someone's nose in their misbehavior especially when most of the world doesn't follow our rules. When we're connected to enough upside, we're doing work so meaningful that we can't imagine doing anything else and are content to let the less inspired eat a few of our crumbs. IMO. I'm not trying to say "get over it". I am saying get to what's next. Do you want a share or do you want it all? Change your model, support it with code, and you can easily have it all.

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thanks, I do appreciate a theory or "big picture" discussion...would you give me a hint about supporting a model with code? what road might I go down aside from what I've already mentioned?

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It's mostly about purpose. What an organization considers to be in scope and out of scope. An organization won't tolerate code that it considers out of scope. For example, if you were a medical doctor you have to decide whether you are going to produce a service for a fee or whether your fee will be outcome based. The code will be quite different in both cases. If you earn a fee for a service it doesn't really matter what happens to your patient after they leave your office and your code would reflect that. If you're getting paid to produce an outcome (presumably a healthy outcome), you'll have some skin in the game and you'll need code that will tract a patient's progress (or lack of it) after they leave your office. If you just want to provide a service, all that tracking code would be considered "out-of-scope" and will be surppressed in some way. One thing is for sure, if you practice outcome based medicine, you'll trump the old model regardless of how your optimization compares to the other guy's provided the benefit you're producing for your patients exceed their cost. Without that tracking code and a business model that authorizes it, you'll probably be a doc that stands for little else than more of the same trying to wring the last five percent out of a tired business model created by another doc that's long dead or long retired. IMO.

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niche, I appreciate your metaphor...has opened up a kind of door...but trying to read between the lines here...

Without that tracking code and a business model that authorizes it,
get the feeling you're referring to something other than G Analytics?
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What about your analylics? Owners will only own the bills when they allow themselves to be defined by other organizations. Google's stats are fine as far as they go, but they are nowhere close to exhausting all the possibilities. We live in an age where the difference between what can be imaged and what can be created has never been smaller. You have more power than a feudal king and all you have to to do is use it to think of a little code that nobody else has thought of or a new way to use some old code. That's what php and this this forum are all about.

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What about your analylics? Owners will only own the bills when they allow themselves to be defined by other organizations. Google's stats are fine as far as they go, but they are nowhere close to exhausting all the possibilities. We live in an age where the difference between what can be imaged and what can be created has never been smaller. You have more power than a feudal king and all you have to to do is use it to think of a little code that nobody else has thought of or a new way to use some old code. That's what php and this this forum are all about.
right...I did previously read your signature...without this forum I would not have created a php app in the first place...thanks for your input.
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