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try to make a portfolio


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... Make a template for a website, prove you're good, and then I'll use you.I want to see proof that you know what you are doing before I include youwith my project. I'd be more than happy to work with you, but I need proofthat you aren't a 12 year old kid who just discovered Photoshop.
then i wouldn't work for free, you good with that?
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No... If you want actual websites under your belt you are going to have to work for free OR make your own.Like I said, I want to see proof you're not a 12 year old with photoshop before I use you like an Intern. You offer to work for free, then you are going to work for free.But no one will use you if you can't prove to them your worth and why they should give you job experience.

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No... If you want actual websites under your belt you are going to have to work for free OR make your own.Like I said, I want to see proof you're not a 12 year old with photoshop before I use you like an Intern. You offer to work for free, then you are going to work for free.But no one will use you if you can't prove to them your worth and why they should give you job experience.
i only offer to work for free under the condition that you don't ask for proof,if i have proof that i am good, why would i want to work for free?and you certainly don't use me as an intern, because i need no trainning from you.
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Intern doesn't always mean training. It means work experience.I want your service, I would love to work with you. But it is a bad business move to work with someone you know nothing about, who gets offended when people ask for proof and who always says "believe me I'm good" but doesn't back it up. Working for free is never a bad move when it gives you more work experience, more sites to put in your portfolio and when you really wont be working on it for that long. I am giving you a chance to add something to your portfolio, and all I want is proof you are not a little kid who thinks they are a great designer just because they can open up photoshop. I am sorry if that is offensive, but I do not want you to waste my time. Any place that hires an intern (free or not) will only take an intern that can prove they know what they need to work on and more importantly an intern who has proof that they have a sliver of knowledge on what they are doing. Internship sites are not just for teaching, but for giving the person WORK EXPERIENCE and connections. I want to help you. And you feel you can help me. So prove it. Edit: I used the word intern in my last post because it is what you are basically asking for.. You are asking us, the people of the forum, to give you a job you can work on/design. For free. We certainly wouldn't refer to you are a partner or a colleague, nor an employee.

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Guest So Called

Web Designer, just what exactly is your experience? What do you know? What have you done? What training do you have? What areas are you skilled in?

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Web Designer, just what exactly is your experience? What do you know? What have you done? What training do you have? What areas are you skilled in?
photoshop, illustratorphp, javascript, ruby on rails, c#/asp.net mvc i have design studio experience as a production artisti have done a personal web app project, but there wasn't any design effort becasue i was using twitter bootstrap for it, so it's not relevant.
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Guest So Called

It sounds like you have some good skills. You didn't mention HTML/CSS but let's assume that since IMO nobody could do web design without it. The art skills will help since all the good websites are attractive sites too. One important thing seems to be missing: database i.e. MySQL or equivalent. Good luck. You should get a website going where you can tell prospective clients about your skills, and demonstrate them.

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i only offer to work for free under the condition that you don't ask for proof,if i have proof that i am good, why would i want to work for free?and you certainly don't use me as an intern, because i need no trainning from you.
proof of your abilities doesn't mean anything unless someone can see it in action. What you think may be good may just be average, or maybe not even good. As niche has pointed out, people want some degree of certainty. The easiest thing to do, to show people you are serious, and as has been mentioned, is to give examples of your work on a website. You can then tell everyone, hey, here is some proof of my skills. Who's going to hire you just on your word over the internet? Would you hire/work with someone just on their word? This is why people make portfolio's.
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proof of your abilities doesn't mean anything unless someone can see it in action. What you think may be good may just be average, or maybe not even good. As niche has pointed out, people want some degree of certainty. The easiest thing to do, to show people you are serious, and as has been mentioned, is to give examples of your work on a website. You can then tell everyone, hey, here is some proof of my skills. Who's going to hire you just on your word over the internet? Would you hire/work with someone just on their word? This is why people make portfolio's.
i don't know what else to say, i just don't have a portfolio, only thing i can do is to work for free.if you guys are really interested, you can PM me, i can show you some design in JPEG's.
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if you have designs, then that is your portfolio. Put that up on the web somewhere so people can see it for themselves. If you aren't a developer but want to be, then a portfolio site is the prefect thing for establishing your skills and offering and a great small project to get your feet wet.

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