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convert timestamp month into french


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Basically i am using timestamp in mysql and i am using the following php in my SELECT query DATE_FORMAT(timeStamp,'%d% %b %Y') This works. But i want to take say the month %b and basically convert the english month to french month if (month = "january") { $newmonth = "french name for janary"} how do i retrieve the month name or value to convert it and then still echo %d%, %b(but as converted month), %Y.

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You would probably have to create your own mapping to do that, i.e.

$month = 'january';$frenchMonthMapper = array(  'january' => 'janvier',  'february' => 'fevrier',  ...  'december' => 'decembre'); echo $frenchMonthMapper[$month];

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I like that scientist, but what putting that array in a table and doing a join? EDIT: That way it can all be done in sql.

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Guest So Called

This is probably a dumb question since I don't use the codes referred to in the OP.... but why not use %c instead of %b? That makes month 0-12. (I understand the 0 value is because you can store incomplete dates such as 2014-00-00.) Then $monthFrench = array('zero month', 'janvier', 'fevrier', ..., 'decembre'); and finally, echo $monthFrench[$month]; Also read this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/locale-support.html You might be able to get your values directly in French.

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