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DIV + Overflow


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Im wanting to achieve the below (open image):http://www.vini.co.uk/uploads/forumpress.jpg

<?php/*Template Name: Forum*/?><?php get_header(); ?>    <div id="main"><<<< INSERT FORUM INCLUDE?? CODE?? WHAT?? >>>>    </div><?php get_footer(); ?><?php get_sidebar(); ?></body></html>

the above, is a blank template for my wordpress theme, is there anything i could include in there to get the forum looking like the picture? an iframe does the job i want, but iframes are rubbish. i dont want the scroll bars and hassle that they bring.ive tried an include but all the links and css goes to pot for the forum.any ideas on a way to do this?ive been advised to use a div and overflow, however that made no sense... and after having a quick look into overflows (with auto) i wasnt sure how to call a page into the overflow?could anyone knock up a simple page showing me what to do? is it even possible>?

Edited by Jonas
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They have designed it with frames but I would advise againt the use of frames at all, think of a better way.You carnt call a seperate file in a div unless you use an include of some type.Not sure what you did wrong when you tryed using an include but that is the best way to do it.

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I will take a guess as to what they meant by using div's and overflow. Perhaps something like this

<div style="height:200px; width:500px; overflow:auto;">Content here</div>

What that will do is set the limits for the height and width of the page. If it goes over those limits, it will not expand the page, as it would normally, but instead it will create a scrollbar and keep the page at the max dimension.

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if you include, you need to only put the code for the div in your included file. you do not need to put the head, body and all the other junk. only the suff you want to show up.LGEdit:sorry, didn't mean junk.. you know what I mean. :)

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my problem is, that i want to include the 'index.php' of phpbb... that in turn calls its header etc...obviously calling the index.php breaks all the internal calls and throws a wobbly...one thing i most definitely dont want, is scroll bars... this is turning out to be very difficult :)

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What you need is a 2 column layout which keeps the colums stretched. I remember seeing a 3 column one, but I don't remember 2 column one though. If you can find such 2 column layout, you'll simply have to inlude the appropriate things in the appropriate divs (as you have currently done) and it would all be well.[edit] What I meant was the XHTML/PHP code piece above. You need some CSS to it that would practically turn it into "2 equal column layout". I'm saying this because I don't have the solution, but just incase anyone has such a layout, he should be aware that it will help in this case too.[/edit]

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