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MVC vs. Three-Tier architectures?


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did you check this?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitier_architecturespecificalyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitier_architecture#Comparison_with_the_MVC_architecture

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in MVC requests are handle by controler. it determines which models to load and which view to load. model does not interact with view they pass the data to controler which decides which view should call. that way it separates model and view. if you check the wiki page you can find the "MVC is triangular architecture"MVC:[Model] <===> [Controler]===> [view] Three tire architecture same as the concept of MVC from the point of view of data separation but it does not work like that triangular manner. it linear manner. some thing like we request page on client, client reach the php page, php page reach the DB data, it returns data back to php, php returns data back to the client. it enters to one point and move in linear way and exits in same linear way backwardly.

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I have only implemented MVC in Java. JSP pages presented the view. Submits were directed to servlets which were the controllers. "Business" classes used by the servlets were the models. In addition I wanted to have the database isolation of the 3-tier scheme so I tried to get all SQL code out of the servlets and into a dedicated DB class. I don't know if there is actually a name for trying to do both? [Models and Database] <=====>[Controller] <=====> [View]

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i find three tier a little bit easy to code for it has less code separation. but ir is true that for great cms systems its better to use mvc. it would me much easier for other developers to understand what is really going on. that's is imo.

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